Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer—all diseases that have been scientifically linked to diet—are at an all-time high. But there’s a way to prevent and fight these diseases that has been successful for millions of people for thousands of years: the Mediterranean diet.
In The Complete Mediterranean Diet, top cardiologist Michael Ozner offers the traditional Mediterranean diet—clinically proven to reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and numerous other diseases—with the latest scientific findings in health and nutrition to create a diet that is easy to follow.
Alongside an abundance of evidence supporting the Mediterranean diet’s incredible health benefits, including sustainable weight loss, Dr. Ozner includes 500 delicious, classic Mediterranean recipes, such as:
With a foreword by Debbie Matenopoulos, The Complete Mediterranean Diet shows you how and why to change your diet for a longer, healthier, happier life.
In The Complete Mediterranean Diet, top cardiologist Michael Ozner offers the traditional Mediterranean diet—clinically proven to reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and numerous other diseases—with the latest scientific findings in health and nutrition to create a diet that is easy to follow.
Alongside an abundance of evidence supporting the Mediterranean diet’s incredible health benefits, including sustainable weight loss, Dr. Ozner includes 500 delicious, classic Mediterranean recipes, such as:
- Savory Mediterranean chickpea soup
- Pizza Margherita
- Grilled citrus salmon with garlic greens
- Spicy whole wheat capellini with garlic
With a foreword by Debbie Matenopoulos, The Complete Mediterranean Diet shows you how and why to change your diet for a longer, healthier, happier life.

“Dr. Ozner’s new book, Heart Attack Proof, is a must-read for all health conscious individuals interested in information to help reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke. Dr. Ozner represents the best in modern medicine, a compassionate and highly respected cardiologist, intimately familiar with subtle and complex medical science, yet able to distill down and communicate critical information in an understandable way to his patients. If you want to know how to prevent a heart attack, read this book – now!”
Steven V. Joyal, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Life Extension, Inc.
By reading Heart Attack Proof, you will:
· * Discover the optimal diet for weight control and heart-health
· * Avoid the food ingredient that leads to 100,000 premature deaths per year
· * Begin an exercise plan that has been shown to save thousands of lives each year
· * Learn how to perform a simple stress reduction technique that can lower your blood pressure, stabilize your heart rhythm
and reduce your risk of a heart attack.
· * Understand the new science that has uncovered the root cause of heart attacks
· * Cite the blood tests that can save your life
· * Discover how your dentist (and hygienist) can help prevent your heart attack
· * Understand why a sudden heart attack can strike despite a normal cholesterol and stress test
· * Learn how snoring (and sleep apnea) can cause a heart attack – and how to prevent it.
Steven V. Joyal, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Life Extension, Inc.
By reading Heart Attack Proof, you will:
· * Discover the optimal diet for weight control and heart-health
· * Avoid the food ingredient that leads to 100,000 premature deaths per year
· * Begin an exercise plan that has been shown to save thousands of lives each year
· * Learn how to perform a simple stress reduction technique that can lower your blood pressure, stabilize your heart rhythm
and reduce your risk of a heart attack.
· * Understand the new science that has uncovered the root cause of heart attacks
· * Cite the blood tests that can save your life
· * Discover how your dentist (and hygienist) can help prevent your heart attack
· * Understand why a sudden heart attack can strike despite a normal cholesterol and stress test
· * Learn how snoring (and sleep apnea) can cause a heart attack – and how to prevent it.
The Miami Mediterranean Diet

Centuries-old Mediterranean Diet Leads to Long, Healthy Life
Cardiologist introduces Americans to the healthiest, most enjoyable weight-loss diet ever created.
Imagine washing down chilled, crunchy Caesar salad and mouth-watering lemony, garlicky chicken with a glass of red wine, followed by sweet Italian rice pudding. Does this sound like a diet?
It’s not a diet, says world-renowned cardiologist Michael Ozner, MD. It’s part of the healthy lifestyle enjoyed by Mediterranean cultures—one that emphasizes fresh whole foods enjoyed with friends and family, leisurely walks, naps, wine, and laughter.
In his newly expanded and updated bestseller, The Miami Mediterranean Diet: Lose Weight and Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease (BenBella Books, 2008), Dr. Ozner presents menu plans, over 300 recipes, stress-management tips, and maintenance strategies he has been using for 25 years to successfully treat patients who have suffered heart attacks or have significant risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The Mediterranean diet is the only diet with long-term clinical studies proving its health benefits. Besides preventing a host of lifestyle-related illnesses, Dr. Ozner’s Miami Mediterranean Diet results in slow-but-steady, permanent weight loss—up to 8 pounds a month, or 96 pounds a year. Readers learn:
Cardiologist introduces Americans to the healthiest, most enjoyable weight-loss diet ever created.
Imagine washing down chilled, crunchy Caesar salad and mouth-watering lemony, garlicky chicken with a glass of red wine, followed by sweet Italian rice pudding. Does this sound like a diet?
It’s not a diet, says world-renowned cardiologist Michael Ozner, MD. It’s part of the healthy lifestyle enjoyed by Mediterranean cultures—one that emphasizes fresh whole foods enjoyed with friends and family, leisurely walks, naps, wine, and laughter.
In his newly expanded and updated bestseller, The Miami Mediterranean Diet: Lose Weight and Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease (BenBella Books, 2008), Dr. Ozner presents menu plans, over 300 recipes, stress-management tips, and maintenance strategies he has been using for 25 years to successfully treat patients who have suffered heart attacks or have significant risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The Mediterranean diet is the only diet with long-term clinical studies proving its health benefits. Besides preventing a host of lifestyle-related illnesses, Dr. Ozner’s Miami Mediterranean Diet results in slow-but-steady, permanent weight loss—up to 8 pounds a month, or 96 pounds a year. Readers learn:
- What causes heart disease and how to prevent it
- How to manage stress in order to lose weight and improve overall health
- Why the Miami Mediterranean Diet is superior to low-carb and low-fat diets
- Why Mediterranean people can drink wine and enjoy olive oil and still stay trim
- How to change your health with easy-to-prepare, delicious recipes, and menu plans
- How to incorporate relaxation and exercise into your daily routine
The Great American Heart Hoax

Groundbreaking new book exposes the cardiology industry’s dirty little secret.
The bad news: Most heart surgery performed on stable individuals is unnecessary, and most surgical interventions are costly, risky, and ineffective because they don’t address the underlying cause of heart disease. The good news: Heart disease is preventable and reversible, and the best clinically proven way to cure it is both safe and low cost.
The newest book by internationally acclaimed cardiologist Michael Ozner, MD, The Great American Heart Hoax (BenBella Books, 2008), offers the first eye-opening look inside the cardiology industry’s refusal to acknowledge that the current surgical treatments for heart disease aren’t working.
Citing numerous scientific studies on the high risk and low efficacy of bypass surgery and angioplasty—70 to 90 percent of which are unnecessary and don’t prevent future heart attacks—Dr. Ozner shows readers why they should avoid these procedures. More important, he shows heart patients what to do instead.
Dr. Ozner has been practicing preventive cardiology for nearly three decades, and his noninvasive approach focusing on lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, stress reduction, and the judicious use of medications has helped thousands of heart patients avoid surgery and live long, healthy lives.
He shows readers how to follow a delicious, inexpensive diet clinically proven to prevent and reverse heart disease, as well as promote weight loss in overweight and obese Americans who are desperately seeking a sensible dietary plan. Readers also learn:
- When heart surgery is warranted—and when to avoid it
- Side effects and dangers associated with heart surgery
- Pros and cons of heart medications
- Why diagnostic CAT scans and nuclear stress tests often do more harm than good
- Dr. Ozner’s 10-Step Prevention Program—and tips on making it work for you
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